入試情報Entrance Examinations

募集要項Application Guidelines

令和7年4月入学 April 2025 Admission

・募集要項 ※5/29修正(修正内容はこちら


・募集要項 ※5/29修正(修正内容はこちら


・写真票・受験票・検定料納付証明書貼付票 ※両面印刷してください

・志望理由書 ※該当者のみ

・事前審査申請書 ※該当者のみ

・研究歴証明書・研究内容要旨 ※該当者のみ

・推薦書 ※該当者のみ

・住所登録 ※長崎大学在学生用 

・住所登録 ※他大学生用







・出願資格認定申請書 ※該当者のみ





・受験・就学承諾書 ※該当者のみ

●Doctoral Degree (3 Year Program) 【General Examination / Examination for Those Currently Employed / Entrance Examinations for International Students】

・Application Guidelines

・Application Form

・Photo Card / Admission Ticket / Payment Certificate for the Entrance Examination Fee

・Application for Preliminary Screening  ※Applicable persons only

・Research Achievement

・Research Progress Report

・Dissertation Contents

・Abstract of Your Research Plan

・Consent Form of the Examination and Enrollment ※Applicable persons only





令和6年10月入学 October 2024 Admission


●Master’s Degree【Entrance Examinations for International Students】

・Application Guidelines



●Master’s Degree
【Entrance Examinations for International Students(Program for Water and Environmental Science)】

・Application Guidelines







・出願資格認定申請書 ※該当者のみ





・受験・就学承諾書 ※該当者のみ

●Doctoral Degree (3 Year Program) 【General Examination / Examination for Those Currently Employed / Entrance Examinations for International Students】

・Application Guidelines

・Application Form

・Photo Card / Admission Ticket / Payment Certificate for the Entrance Examination Fee

・Application for Preliminary Screening  ※Applicable persons only

・Research Achievement

・Research Progress Report

・Dissertation Contents

・Abstract of Your Research Plan

・Consent Form of the Examination and Enrollment ※Applicable persons only

令和6年4月入学 April 2024 Admission










●Master’s Degree
【Entrance Examinations for International Students(Program for Water and Environmental Science)】

・Application Guidelines



●Master’s Degree【Entrance Examinations for International Students】

・Application Guidelines



●Doctoral Degree (3 Year Program) 【General Examination / Examination for Those Currently Employed / Entrance Examinations for International Students】

・Application Guidelines













●Doctoral Degree (5 Year Program)【Entrance Examinations for International Students】
●Doctoral Degree (5 Year Program)
【Entrance Examinations for International Students(Second Recruitment)】